Policlinica abstraca de Administrare a Durerii Divine

sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011

In Memoriam D(long live rock and roll)

Above the sky were it should be

The sound of some kind of music

The sound of the divine shall be heard

And there the musical notes will rest

In the pleasant compilation we call...

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock and roll

Somewere near us

In the same room with the cactus

And everywere else it sall be heard

It shall be listened

And shall be undestood

The sound the voice and the guitar

Of somekind of god... and then it goes.

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock and roll.

Heaven And Hell

We can not tell

Last In Line

It can't be fine

Turn To Stone

And leave alone the tone

Lord Of the Last Day

As many elder say

Lock Up The Wolves

And watch the curves

From the warmth of a neighbourhood dinner

With One foot In The grave

Holly Diver.

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

Vorba de ceva

Voalat dorinti desarte se naruiesc pe repetate

Ca si cum ironic ar dori sa demonstreze ca nu au dreptate

Si asfel trist se pierd in noapte

Pentru ca apoi sa fie macerate.

Trist popular absurd si crancen,

Se lumineaza abstracta ceata

Si umed plage trista fiinta,

Spre a uita acel fapt obscen.

Moral se incearca propasirea

Incurajari, sfaturi si vorbe pozitive

Dar viata nu se conserva cu prezervative*

Subconstientul decade intr-o gramada de ganduri vomitive

Spre varsta de aur ce o plasmuieste ascenderea.

Un ultim rand,

O ultima Speranta

Finala dorinta rezultata din neputinta

Din divina inexistenta

* (eng. preservatives)

the magic spell

I'll put a spell on you.

becouse you did it too.

iIll love you intensly,

becouse intense you love me too

I love your sight , i love your words,i love you.

Magic will be the adventure,

Tremendeous will be our impresions.

Magnific will be our feelings,

Becouse you are magic to me.

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

Biertan building

Team building Terra building cu totii zambim Prietenosi,
Ochi tulburi privesc in zarea neagra mat, spre dimineata nedorita.
Genuflexiuni, fandari flotari si exercitiul cel cu talc
Si vorbe ,tipete si rasete sa nu taci malc.

Acum inepe
Si nici nu ne gandeam
Si-acum incepe
Si nici nu intelegeam
Deocamdata ceva neclar ca o idee nematerializata
Ceva ce noi stiam dar nu puteam percepe
Ceva pe care nu dadeam nici 2 cepe.

Concret prin joc exemple voie buna idei concepte si chiar teorii
Materializate au fost in vorbe, explicate
Iar prin discutii mai aprofundate aproape au fost insusite in totalitate.

Acum chiar in Antichitate se zvonea
Cum ca o organizatie cica producea slash personaliza
Scuturi drapeluri si alte cele
De veste se ducea in toate colturile.............